Tuesday, June 15, 2010

3 years

Tiga tahun dan qta berubah...

The deep up to 6am conversation we had..

I wasn't that shocked when i heard about it... I kinda expected you would tell me that,,
but oh man, look back in time,,,
3 years ago, u were the cupu type, the one yg selalu dicengin, ga banget sich... masa umur segitu ga tau yg begituan... but then, sekarang ini.,, u are way beyond what u were...

It sounded funny, how we have grown so much...
just to let u know, gw ga bangga, gw ga menyesali, gw ga ada respon positif atau negatif sama sekali..
Cause i put myself on the neutral side,,, n I dont think I deserve to judge you...

Yes, i know I've given you quite a lot of advices... not that I'm so pro with these, tapi kan gw sering baca, n gw jago menyalurkan informasi...

Thanks for the sharing,,, hope that I can be as helpful as what u need.. The story stays in that room...

N yes, just so u know, gw masi tetap SAnto yg sama yang ga bakal bercerita atau curhat ke orang lain...
Gw selalu melihat kalau orang lain butuh teman curhat, butuh advice, butuh pendengar, I can be there for them... untuk membantu...
Tapi kalau gw butuh teman curhat atau butuh pendengar, I'll see myself as orang yg ngerepotin orang lain... ngapain gw ganggu orang lain... n yes, gw jarang sharing tentang masalah gw ke orang lain...

Ohh ohhh, dan satu hal yg lu harus lakukan untuk gw,..
pakai ...... gw tau lu tuch expert, as i would say...
but u still should wear .......
next time when I see u, I'll get u a pack.

untuk hopenk O-cil gw


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